Difference between SEO and SEM

Many people wrongly confuse SEO and SEM as being the same thing. The truth is that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is quite different from Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The two activities are related and are both aimed at promoting your website. SEO are activities carried out to make your web pages easily detectable by web search engines. SEM on the other hand involves the sum of activities aimed at marketing and advertising websites. SEO is usually done ‘onsite’ while SEM activities are carried out ‘offsite’. Since SEM is the sum of marketing activities SEO can be said to be an important, integral part of SEM.

SEO methods include the appropriate use of keywords and optimization techniques to increase web traffic. SEM activities include a number of different activities. Pay for inclusion is a method used by many SEM companies. It simply means that you pay search engines to include your site in the top list of results. You can also directly submit your site or web page to the search engine.

Email Marketing or bulk mail marketing is another SEM method that involves the sending out of properly worded marketing mails. It is also referred to as spamming and frowned by some, although it can be quite effective if done properly.

Pay per click ads are ads that are displayed on search engine result pages. Advertisers using SEM methods pay to get their ads placed on the page. Some ads get charged for, even if they are not clicked through. The ads are picked based on the keywords entered on the search.

In conclusion, SEO is different from SEM even though they are both directed at the same goals. SEM involves more than just SEO activities and even the above mentioned activities. Any other comments about the 2 methods? Share it with other users. Until next time, happy freeSEOing!

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